Catalog-based Conversion from Relational Database into XML Schema (XSD)


Where we are in the age of information revolution, exchange information, and transport data effectively among various sectors of government, commercial, service and industrial, etc., the uses of a new databases model to support this trend has become …


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…very important because inability of traditional databases models to support it. eXtensible Markup Language (XML) considers a new standard model for data interchange through internet and mobiles devices networks, it has become a common language to exchange and share the data of traditional models in easy and inexpensive ways. In this research, we propose a new technique to convert the relational database contents and schema into XML schema (XSD- XML Schema Definition), the main idea of the technique is extracting relational database catalog using Structured Query Language (SQL). We follow three steps to complete the conversion process. First, extracting relation instance (actual content) and schema catalog using SQL query language, which consider the required information to implement XML document and its schema. Second, transform the actual content into XML document tree. The idea of this step is converting table columns of the relations (tables) into the elements of XML document. Third, transform schema catalog into XML schema for describing the structure of the XML document. To do so, we transform datatype of the elements and the variant data constrains such as data length, not null, check and default, moreover define primary foreign keys and the referential integrity between the tables. Overall results of the technique are very promise while the technique is very clear and does not require complex procedures that could adversely effect on the results accuracy. We performed many experiments and report their elapsed CPU times.

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Catalog-based Conversion from Relational Database into XML Schema (XSD)
Catalog-based Conversion from Relational Database into XML Schema (XSD)

Dr. Husam Ahmed Al Hamad – Department of Information Technology, College of Computer, Qassim University, Qassim, Saudi Arabia – Saudi Arabia


Conversion Relational Schema into XML Schema, Transformation Schema, XSD Schema, XML Schema.

Indexing Keywords: Catalog-based Conversion from Relational Database into XML Schema (XSD), Catalog-based Conversion from Relational Database, Relational Database into XML Schema (XSD), Catalog-based Conversion, Relational Database, Database XML Schema (XSD).

Pages: 9-22
Revised: 31-07-2015
Published: 31-08-2015

Published in International Journal of Data Engineering (IJDE).

Volume: 6
Issue: 2
Publication Date: 31-08-2015

*Randomly selected references used in the publication “Catalog-based Conversion from Relational Database into XML Schema (XSD)”.


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  • Tzvetkov, V. and Xiong W. (2005) “DBXML – Connecting XML with Relational Databases”, Computer and Information Technology, CIT 2005. The Fifth International Conference, 21-23 Sept. 2005, pp.130-135.
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  • Arenas, M, Barcelo, P., Libkin, L., Synthesis FM. “Relational and XML Data Exchange”, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010, pp.1-112.
  • Jumaa, H., Rubel, P., Fayn, J. “An XML-based framework for automating data exchange in healthcare”, e-Health Networking Applications and Services (Healthcom), 12th IEEE International Conference, 1-3 July 2010, pp.26124-269.
  • Al Hamad, H.A. (2015) “XML-Based Data Exchange in the Heterogeneous Databases (XDEHD)”, International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT), Vol. 6, No. 3, 2015, pp.11-24.


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