Analysis and Design of Controllers for Automotive Industry for a Better Vehicle Performance


In our world, technology is adapting to the needs that society strives for in advancements, and control systems play an enormous role in improving technology. Different techniques, ranging from classical to intelligent controllers, have been propos…


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…ed and applied to enhance and optimize general system performance. For example, in the automotive industry, multiple control systems are implemented into the automotive system to create successful and better-performing vehicles. As part of this research, adaptive cruise control in cars as applied by researchers in the automotive industry is investigated, and re-designed systems for better performance are recommended. As part of the research work, a Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller, Fuzzy Logic controller, Model Predictive Controller, Linear Quadratic Tracking, Neural Network, Neuro- Fuzzy, Neuro-Fuzzy-LQT, and LQT-Neural Network controllers are reviewed and discussed regarding the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. These controllers are applied in various cases where the objectives are to keep a desired speed and avoid a collision. The system performances are compared, analyzed, and discussed based on the simulation results. As a result, the Linear Quadratic Tracking combined with a Neuro-Fuzzy controller outperforms the other controllers in the objectives assigned.

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Analysis and Design of Controllers for Automotive Industry for a Better Vehicle Performance
Analysis and Design of Controllers for Automotive Industry for a Better Vehicle Performance

Mr. Oscar Lara – EECS Department, MSC 192, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas, 78363-8202 – United States of America

Professor Rajab Challoo – EECS Department, MSC 192, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas, 78363-8202 – United States of America


Control Systems, Cruise Control, Linear Quadratic Tracking, Model Predictive Control, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic Control.

Indexing Keywords: Analysis and Design of Controllers for Automotive Industry for a Better Vehicle Performance, Analysis of Controllers for Automotive Industry, Analysis and Design of Controllers for Automotive Industry , Design of Controllers for Automotive Industry for a Better Vehicle Performance, Controllers for Automotive Industry for a Better Vehicle Performance.

Pages: 1-22
Revised: 31-03-2023
Published: 30-04-2023

Published in International Journal of Engineering (IJE).

Volume: 15
Issue: 1
Publication Date: 30-04-2023

*Randomly selected references used in the publication “Analysis and Design of Controllers for Automotive Industry for a Better Vehicle Performance”.


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  • Saleh, A., & Farmanbordar, A. (n.d.). Modeling Linear Quadratic Regulator LQR/LQT/LQGT for Inverted Pendulum System. [Online]. Available:,%205(4S)1-11,%2020-15.pdf.
  • Steffano, I., Stubberud, A., & Williams, I. (1967). Feedback and Control Systems. Schaum OutlineSeries. McGraw-Hill.
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  • VisibleBreadcrumbs.(2023). What is Model Predictive Control.
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  • Chen, X., et al., (2019). A synergetic strategy of automobile intelligent cruise system based on fuzzy control adopting hierarchical structure. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 16(5), p.172988141987775.
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  • Hearst Auto Research. (2023). What is Adaptive Cruise Control?. Car And Driver. [Online]. Available:


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